1 kg = 24.95 €
Finigrana Aleppo Soap 100% Olive buy now here online easily. Natural soap WITHOUT palm oil and biodegradable, with 100% olive oil. Makes the skin soft and supple.
Aleppo olive oil soap from the soap manufactory, natural soap, pure vegetable from traditional production.
Origin: Syria
Application: bar of soap as body soap, hand soap, shower soap, universal use. A very mild soap, especially suitable for dry skin. Also applicable for frequent and regular hair washing with soap. Especially recommended the matching Aleppo hair soap >>>.
Soap scent: Neutral
The beauty secret of the Middle East. Treat yourself and your largest organ, your skin, a natural care.
THE BEST FROM NATURE: Natural and authentic body care.
- Manufakturprodukt - Handmade soap production
- Based on 100% olive oil (pure vegetable)
- Natural soap biodegradable
- WITHOUT palm oil
- WITHOUT chemical additives, WITHOUT animal testing
- dermatologically tested
- Hygienically packed with foil and banderole
- suitable for all skin types
- highest yield
Base Info Aleppo soap, olive soap: Arabic Sapun Ghar, French Savon d'Alep, Spanish Castilian soap (jabon castillano) is a soap originally produced in and around Aleppo from olive oil and from a variable proportion of the fatty oil of berries of the true laurel. This natural soap is produced without dyes, artificial flavors, perfumes, stabilizers or other synthetic substances. Today, however, the term Aleppo soaps stands less for geographical origin and more for a precisely defined manufacturing process with prescribed ingredients.
Pure olive soaps, laurel soaps are extremely rare, because most manufacturers like to mix the more expensive olive oil and laurel oil with the much cheaper palm oil or coconut oil, or even replace them completely. Aleppo soap, on the other hand, is a pure natural soap and is handcrafted in cauldrons according to a traditional recipe.
The manufacturer: Pearl Soap Syria is the family business of Mr. Talal Anis. Part of the production still takes place in Aleppo, the hair soaps and molded soaps have been outsourced to neighboring Turkey due to the war, about 50 km from Aleppo to nearby Gaziantep. The soaps are imported and packed for the European market by the company Treibholz / Finigrana.
Ingredients INCI: Sodium Olivate (saponified olive oil), Vegetarian Glycerin (pure vegetable glycerin*), Aqua (water)
Content: piece of 200gr with banderole
Responsible manufacturer:
Pearl Aleppo Soap
Mr. Talal Anise
Aleppo - Syria